Stuart Hancock to Conduct 'Pandora's Box'
Air-Edel’s Stuart Hancock will conduct the London Youth Opera in a performance of his work ‘Pandora’s Box’.
Dates: 16th & 17th December
Location: Susie Sainsbury Theatre – Royal Academy of Music, Marylebone Road.
Composer: Stuart Hancock
Librettist: Donald Sturrock
“Using the Ancient Greek legend as a starting point, the story is a contemporary satire on 21st century family life.
It asks the big question: What is existence all about?
In mythology, it was the empathetic Prometheus who gave Pandora the box that let out evil into the human world. In this opera, our hero is a salesman from Olympus Enterprises, whose novelty box releases Greed, Vanity and Envy into the tranquil life of the well-meaning Woakes family. His well-meaning gift creates domestic mayhem: friendships are broken and selfishness rules. There is resolution, but there are no easy answers. The action takes place on Mount Olympus and in the quaint English town of Middle Demos over the course of one turbulent day.”